COVID-19 Update: Fall Classes

As we look forward to welcoming your children to campus in August, we want to share our current plans for protocols related to the novel coronavirus, based on the state’s guidelines and best practices for operating school.

We expect to operate a full-time schedule on both campuses: Monday - Thursday, 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM. Governor Polis and Jefferson County Public Health have said that, as of now, they expect groups of up to 25 people to be permitted in each class, and because ACA’s class sizes are capped at 16 students, we currently don’t plan to make changes to class sizes or capacities. For our youngest learners in the preschool program, as of June 4, the state has also said that we can return to normal licensed group sizes. 

Our protocols--as they stand now--were designed based on the recommendations and requirements from state authorities as of today. They may change in the next two months, and if/when they do, we will let you know promptly. 

For now, please plan on the following:

  • Temperature and symptom checks for staff: Staff and faculty will take their temperatures at home each morning before leaving for school and answer a symptom survey. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will stay home, as will anyone who answers “yes” to any of the symptom questions. 

  • Morning drop-off procedures: Students will be assigned entrances to minimize group gathering. Before entering the building, school staff will take students’ temperatures. Students with temperatures of 100.4 degrees or higher will be sent home. Parents will not bring students into the building.

  • Symptom surveys: Before bringing students to school, parents will be asked to make sure they answer “no” to all questions on the symptom survey (to be distributed closer to the start of school to ensure accuracy of questions).

  • Students will be assigned to “cohorts” based on permitted gathering sizes to limit interactions among large groups of students (for example, for lunch, recess, and/or specials).

  • A new format for morning assembly and chapel: Because ACA students and staff will not be gathering in groups above 25 people at least for the first quarter, students will no longer begin their day together in the gym. Our administration will communicate plans for start-of-day programs.

  • Increased daily cleaning: High-touch areas (bathrooms, doorknobs, light switches, PE and playground equipment, etc.) will get frequent, scheduled sanitization throughout the day.

  • Increased weekly cleaning: ACA’s professional cleaning service will clean and disinfect the school daily.

  • Cleaning hands: Students and teachers will have scheduled hand-washing times, including at the start of each day and upon leaving the classroom, and hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom.

  • Increased cleaning of shared learning materials: ACA has strong protocols for cleaning manipulatives and we will increase those cleanings per state recommendations. 

  • Lunch in classrooms: At least for the first quarter, students will have lunch in classrooms within their assigned cohort.

  • Regarding face masks at school: Current Colorado Department of Health requires face masks for teachers and recommends but does not require face masks for students. ACA intends to follow any state mandates that are in effect and will continue to monitor guidelines as they evolve.

  • Reduced non-essential visitors: For the first quarter, ACA will limit visitors to those who must be in the building (e.g., preschool licensing professionals). ACA will require all visitors to wear face coverings and complete temperature and symptom checks.

  • Isolating a sick child: If a child develops symptoms during the day, our administration will isolate the student safely until a parent can come to pick up the child.

  • If there’s an outbreak in our community, we will follow the state’s published CDC and state protocols as they stand at that time. 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our Board at

Please bear in mind that we’re all navigating uncharted waters, and these protocols might--and likely will--change as we get closer to the start of school. However, we remain excited to start the school year and continue the good work God has given us to do--for His glory and our community’s good.

Augustine Classical Academy’s Administration