jenny brown | Fourth grade

First Year at ACA: 2008

In 2008 Jenny and her husband Brian along with a group of founding families read Doug Wilson’s “The Case for Classical Education” which naturally led to the humble beginnings of Augustine Classical Academy. Over the years she has served in a variety of roles at ACA, since 2016 Jenny has had the joy of serving as ACA’s 4th Grade teacher. 

Jenny received her Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from Elmhurst College. Brian and Jenny have three children whom have each been the beneficiaries of ACA’s classical and Christian education. Molly and Hays were in ACA’s first Kindergarten class, graduated in 2023 and now both attend New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho. Carson was in ACA’s first preschool class and is now in 11th grade.  When not teaching or volunteering at ACA, Jenny enjoys hosting church events for Trinity Church Denver where Brian serves as pastor. 

In any spare moment, she always has a sewing project (or two) in the works!