Kristen Drew

Grammar School Latin

In the late summer of Junior Year Kristen took her first French lesson. The headwaters of that stream took the form of a childhood passion for language blossoming at age seven. God called her to ever deeper waters, culminating with moving to Paris. There she learned French, taught English to children, and thrived in a vibrant church community. Life led Kristen back to the US, but God had other plans. Soon she was on a plane to Guatemala for immersive Spanish studies. The stream flows on and now God has led her to Augustine Classical Academy. Kristen's new mission is to inspire young hearts and minds with the beauty of Classical Latin.

Free time finds Kristen tending her summer garden. On occasion it also finds her husband insisting that it is, in fact, a Victory Garden. Kristen refuses to declare victory until the Squash Bug Army has been defeated.